What are the main benefits to us by having CMA manage our investments?
- Individualized portfolio management of stocks, bonds, options and/or balanced accounts.
- Portfolios designed and managed for the unique financial goals and risk preferences of each client.
- Independent analysis of potential investments.
- Unique investment strategies including use of income-producing stock options.
- Access to unique securities and better trade execution due to CMA’s leverage with broker dealers.
- Portfolios can managed to minimize taxes.
What does CMA do?
Capital Management Analytics is an investment management firm which is primarily involved in portfolio management for doctors, executives, endowments, trusts, and family businesses. Founded in 1993, we serve as general investment advisors as well as portfolio managers for clients all across the U.S., evaluating and trading stocks, bonds as well as other securities on behalf of our clients. Our services are strictly fee-based, and we receive no compensation from commissions or sales charges in any form.
Is CMA a brokerage firm?
No. CMA is a registered investment advisor-- not a broker-dealer such as Merrill Lynch or Salomon Smith Barney. Brokerage firms are in the business of selling securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) for commissions and/or markups. CMA does not sell securities or investment products of any type. Nor are we compensated by commissions or sales charges in any form. No commissions means no conflicts of interest. Fee-based investment advice and management is our only business.
Why is CMA a better option than a traditional broker relationship?
- Professional management.
- Unique investment strategies.
- No wall street conflicts of interest. Independent securities analysis.
- CMA’s leverage with brokers permits substantial savings on commission costs and superior trade execution.
Does CMA impose a minimum account size?
Yes. Although there are exceptions, management contracts are generally for accounts of a minimum size of $250,000 ($500,000 for fixed-income). Hourly advisory consulting services may be more suitable for smaller accounts.
If CMA manages our account, where will the securities be held?
CMA does not serve as the custodian for client accounts. A brokerage firm is chosen to serve as the custodian for the account. If the client has no preference, CMA may recommend a custodian. In cases where transfer of securities may be necessary, CMA will prepare the necessary paperwork and facilitate these transfers.
Why is CMA a better option for us than dealing with commission-based insurance agents and brokers? Or doing-it-yourself (DIY)?
- Individualized portfolio management matched to specific investor needs and risk tolerances.
- Avoid conflicts of interest from brokerage and insurance salespeople.
- Unique investment strategies including use of income-producing stock options.
- Work with an experienced, trusted partner who can guide you through market volatility.
- Personalized attention and direct communication with portfolio manager.
- Portfolios managed to minimize taxes.
What type of accounts does CMA handle?
- Individual Accounts.
- Business / Corporate Accounts.
- Pension / Profit Sharing Plans.
- Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA / SEP / Self-Employed 401K).
- Endowment / Foundation Accounts.
- Trust / Estate Accounts.
What is CMA’s investment style and strategy?
- Value investing plus growth at a reasonable price (GARP).
- Bottom-up analysis.
- Contrarian and opportunistic.
- Focus on liquid stock indices and larger cap stocks.
- Income-producing strategies including use of options.
- Investment grade to high yield corporate bonds.
- Commercial paper, municipals, and treasuries (including foreign bonds).
- Laddered maturities generally held to maturity.
- Main objectives: current income and/or principal conservation.
- Short maturities can used as substitute for cash.
Will our existing portfolio be sold off?
Not necessarily. Unlike some investment managers, we will not automatically sell off your entire portfolio in order to make your holdings conform to our other positions. Taking unnecessary capital gains or arbitrarily restructuring a portfolio may not be in the client’s best interest. Instead, we will evaluate your current portfolio in light of your current objectives and circumstances.
Will we be able to talk directly to our portfolio manager?
Yes. Our clients have full access to their portfolio manager. All you have to do is pick up the phone or meet virtually with us. In addition, we attempt to meet personally with clients once a quarter to review the progress of the account and to revise or confirm objectives and instructions. Clients who wish to meet on a more frequent basis may do so upon request.